Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This blog was one of the hardest to come up with. I think this is because I am still learning about my oath to my fraternity now. Oath to me can be many different things. It can be a vow, a pledge, giving your word, but most of all I believe it to be a promise. Oath is a promise to uphold something that is sacred and dear to oneself.

I took my oath to become a brother of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity during the end of spring quarter of last year. When I was taking my oath, I didn’t really know what I was doing. All I really remember is that it was extremely hot and I was sweating through my shirt and breathing heavily. I knew I was joining a fraternity and a brotherhood, but there is more to it than that. Not until recently did I understand the “more” part. A couple of weeks ago we had a few new brothers join and go through ritual. This time I got to watch and listen to what was said and done. As I was standing on a chair, it allowed me to literally get a birds eye view of the ritual. It showed me what the oath of Sigma Phi Epsilon really is. An oath is giving your word to your brothers and your fraternity. It is a vow to always be a brother and to adhere to the Ritual day in and day out. It is a pledge to follow our fraternal values and our mission. But most importantly it is a promise to uphold and maintain our fraternity to the utmost level it can be.

I attached a video of JFK taking the oath of office because I thought it was appropriate. He is taking what I believe to be one of the highest oaths in our country.

1 comment:

  1. Morad,
    It is very common for new members not to understand the rituals and the meanings behind them when they first join. I remember all the enthusiasm that I felt when I became a member. The best part about seeing other members becoming initiated is that you get to see the ritual as a member and appreciate it more (as well as understand it more) since you have put work into your chapter. I found it funny to know that all new members go through the same reaction.
