Monday, November 8, 2010


As you can see in my last blog, I did not even say one thing about incongruence in my blog. I feel like it is hard to think of incongruence’s because everyone likes to think highly of their chapter and not really look at the lows. I have never really stopped and looked at the incongruence’s of my chapter and the Greek community that happen on a daily basis.

In my chapter, I believe the largest incongruence is in the recruiting of new members. We are said to be “Building Balanced Men,” but how can this be done if all we look for a balanced men? Our mission statement is not “Recruiting Balanced Men,” its BUILDING. Recruits should not have to be balanced men when they join. That is the whole purpose of the fraternity; to help them become balanced men through their years as a SigEp. I feel as if we only give bids to recruits that are already established balanced men and don’t really have much more room to grow.

For the entire Greek community, I feel that there are a lot of incongruence’s. They start right there; community. Sometimes not all of the fraternities and sororities act as one community. Sometimes we all tend to be independent and disregard the rest of the community. If we call ourselves a community, then let’s start acting like one. Another, incongruence is the amount of social events we have compared to the amount of service. If we did half the amount of social events for service, we could help the community in so many ways. To me the largest incongruence in sorority and fraternity life is, just in general, not following our values and ritual in everyday life. Values and ritual are the reasons we are sororities and fraternities. They make us different from everyone else. I feel that Greek members lose sight of their values and rituals. The way I look at it is if you don’t follow the values and rituals of your sorority/fraternity, then why are you even in Greek life in the first place?


  1. I agree that a big part of joining Greek Life is for the values of your fraternity/sorority. Not following these values is one of the biggest incongruences within chapters. I also agree that we need to start acting as a community. There are huge separations and barriers between chapters and we need to start breaking those down and working together to make our community stronger.

  2. I love the last line! It's so much easier said than done, but it's true and if people took the time to think about it this community would be entirely different
