Tuesday, November 30, 2010


With citizenship comes community. In my opinion these two things go hand in hand. You cant have one without the other. They are essentially married. Citizenship is your civic duties that you give to your community. Whether that is through service, teaching, learning, working, helping, or all of the above, it is what you do to give back and help your community grow and prosper.

Fraternity/Sorority life has many ways of showing citizenship. Citizenshipis not only shown by your fraternity/sorority and your brothers/sisters but also as the Greek community as a whole and on top of that the entire student body. SigEp has instilled a great deal of citizenshipin me. It has shown me that caring for your community is important. It is your community so if you don’t care for it who will? Also SigEp has helped me become a more active in my citizenship and shown me how much more active I can be. Watching all of my brothers and seeing all of their campus involvement is inspiring. It causes me to strive to be like them and
become a better citizen.


  1. It's great that SigEp has made you a better citizen. Thats a positive reflection of what your chapter and the greek community stands for as a whole :)

  2. I like how you say citizenship and community are married, I completely agree! Seeing my sisters go out into the community and be good citizens inspires me to do so as well, and I'm glad SigEp does the same for you. I agree with you that teaching and learning are both parts of citizenship! So nice to meet you this quarter, hope to see you around campus!
