Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Who am I & how do I want to change the world?

Who am I? This might be the simplest, yet hardest question at the same time. Everyone knows how they are, but putting it in words is never that easy. Well my name is Morad Hmeidan. I am in Sigma Phi Epsilon. Morad is actually my middle name. My first name is Sultan, but I have never gone by that and never really plan to. If you were wondering, I am Palestinian. My parents came to America over 25 years ago. I am currently a sophomore and I am still undecided. I come from a suburb of Canton, Ohio called Louisville. It’s one of those small towns where everyone knows everyone. I love sports, especially basketball. I have played my whole life. So anyone ever wants to play, I am always game. I am a huge music fan. I listen to music all the time. My favorite genres are R&B and hip-hop. I am a Kanye fan, but don’t judge me for that. The man makes good music. My favorite song of his is “All Falls Down.” I am also a movie buff. I am that person that goes to see movies at midnight to see it first. I love the thrillers and the dramas that make you think. I can always go for a comedy too. I guess this is who I am.

Answering how I want to change the world makes me feel like a beauty pageant contestant. There are so many things in the world today that need changed, which makes it hard to just choose one. I think one of the main things I would want to change is racial discrimination. I think this is because I have actually had to deal with this. My town is I would say 99% white. There are maybe three African Americans in the whole school. My family is the only one of Arabic descent. When we first moved there, people were not very accepting of my family just based off of our ethnicity. So I want to spread the word that just because people are a certain race or religion does not make them a bad person or different from a normal human being.

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