Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's G?

Immediately when I read this blog prompt I thought of one company that, to me, has always displayed its values for the entire nation to see. The company I am talking about is Gatorade. Ever since I was a kid, I remember seeing Michael Jordan in the Gatorade commercials and all the athletes drinking Gatorade. I always wanted to drink Gatorade so that I could be more like them. I wanted to fly like Mike and dunk on Patrick Ewing.

The thing about Gatorade that I believe is a little weird is that they never go out and say their values, but they infer them in their commercials, advertisements, spokespeople, and products. Like on their bottles they have statements like focus, be tough, and shine on. Also, in their “What’s G?” commercials, they give adjectives of G, like champion, gifted, genius, and heart, but never come out and say what G is. Through all these things I believe their values to be hard work, determination, courage, health, and intelligence. To me, these values are what Gatorade is all about. I believe that they are displayed by every spokesperson they have in everything that they do. Like Jordan, Peyton Manning, Serena Williams, and Usain Bolt. All of these people are champions, but it took them these 5 values to get them there.

These values are what I believe make Gatorade such a great company and what will keep them going for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome example of company values. This hit the nail right on the head. I love Gatoraid commercials for this reason, because you know what they stand for and then they throw in a bit of epicness for something amazing.
