Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Mission Of The Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity

The mission statement of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity is simply three words:

“Building Balanced Men.”

To me, I think that sums it up. Being a Balanced Man includes a lot of things like being prepared, healthy, educated, hard working, and organized. SigEp recruits boys and makes them men. It makes a person well-rounded, confident, and able to take on any challenge. Our Cardinal Principles are instilled in a brother leading them to become a more “balanced man.” These Cardinal Principles are
Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love.

This is done in a different manner than most are accustom to. Most fraternities use the pledging model of recruitment. Sigma Phi Epsilon uses a tiered model infusing our cardinal principles in a brother through this process. It starts by being recruited. Then, getting and accepting a bid. Once you accept a bid, you are in the first tier of the model: Sigma. Sigma teaches brothers of the roots and history of the fraternity. It also teaches brothers the day to day life of the fraternity. After Sigma, comes Phi. Through Phi, you learn more about the ritual of the fraternity. After Phi, you become an Epsilon and a balanced man.

As to ways my chapter is being congruent, I think our actions speak for itself. SigEp’s are all over campus and have a hand in a lot of organizations, clubs, events, and much more. We have one of the top cumulative GPA’s of fraternities on Campus. Our fraternity is growing more and more everyday in academics, athletic, programming, and recruitment.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's G?

Immediately when I read this blog prompt I thought of one company that, to me, has always displayed its values for the entire nation to see. The company I am talking about is Gatorade. Ever since I was a kid, I remember seeing Michael Jordan in the Gatorade commercials and all the athletes drinking Gatorade. I always wanted to drink Gatorade so that I could be more like them. I wanted to fly like Mike and dunk on Patrick Ewing.

The thing about Gatorade that I believe is a little weird is that they never go out and say their values, but they infer them in their commercials, advertisements, spokespeople, and products. Like on their bottles they have statements like focus, be tough, and shine on. Also, in their “What’s G?” commercials, they give adjectives of G, like champion, gifted, genius, and heart, but never come out and say what G is. Through all these things I believe their values to be hard work, determination, courage, health, and intelligence. To me, these values are what Gatorade is all about. I believe that they are displayed by every spokesperson they have in everything that they do. Like Jordan, Peyton Manning, Serena Williams, and Usain Bolt. All of these people are champions, but it took them these 5 values to get them there.

These values are what I believe make Gatorade such a great company and what will keep them going for a long time.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What are my values and what do they mean to me?

Values mean a lot to me because I have a lot of them. The most important values in my life are education, work, and, of course, friends and family. All of these values are intertwined with each other. Lets start with education. Education is an important value in my life because without education it is almost impossible to succeed in life. Also, with education, one can expand the mind to places that no one thought possible. Education brings essential tools to life and help with the existing of life. Education leads to work because in this life, without education it is almost impossible to get a well-paying job. Work, to me, does not just mean a career and a job. It includes the work before you get that job; growing up, living life, playing sports, being involved, hanging out with friends, and all other things life has to offer. These all take work and time. They take thought process and commitment. This is why I value work. Friends and family are the biggest value to me. My friends and family are my rock. They are what get me through the day. They are there for me when I need them and I am there for them when they need me. They give me a shoulder to lean on, someone to talk to, someone to have fun with, and someone to just be there for me, to keep me on the right path. I believe that without my values that “Morad Hmeidan” would seize to exist.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Who am I & how do I want to change the world?

Who am I? This might be the simplest, yet hardest question at the same time. Everyone knows how they are, but putting it in words is never that easy. Well my name is Morad Hmeidan. I am in Sigma Phi Epsilon. Morad is actually my middle name. My first name is Sultan, but I have never gone by that and never really plan to. If you were wondering, I am Palestinian. My parents came to America over 25 years ago. I am currently a sophomore and I am still undecided. I come from a suburb of Canton, Ohio called Louisville. It’s one of those small towns where everyone knows everyone. I love sports, especially basketball. I have played my whole life. So anyone ever wants to play, I am always game. I am a huge music fan. I listen to music all the time. My favorite genres are R&B and hip-hop. I am a Kanye fan, but don’t judge me for that. The man makes good music. My favorite song of his is “All Falls Down.” I am also a movie buff. I am that person that goes to see movies at midnight to see it first. I love the thrillers and the dramas that make you think. I can always go for a comedy too. I guess this is who I am.

Answering how I want to change the world makes me feel like a beauty pageant contestant. There are so many things in the world today that need changed, which makes it hard to just choose one. I think one of the main things I would want to change is racial discrimination. I think this is because I have actually had to deal with this. My town is I would say 99% white. There are maybe three African Americans in the whole school. My family is the only one of Arabic descent. When we first moved there, people were not very accepting of my family just based off of our ethnicity. So I want to spread the word that just because people are a certain race or religion does not make them a bad person or different from a normal human being.